Pillows on roped off pews for access as desired
First Church of Christ, Scientist
& Christian Science Reading Room
In-person / Online / phone-in Services
Sunday 10:30a + Wednesday 7p + Thanksgiving Day 10a
Please see our Church Services and Sunday School pages for information about those events and the Reading Room page for information about Tuesdays Together.
Christian Science Lectures
by members of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship
Would you like to learn more about Christian Science healing?
You’re warmly invited to attend free, public talks by practitioners of Christian Science.
Lectures take place in-person and livestreamed on the internet.
BE SURE TO CLICK ON THE LECTURE in the list - sometimes it may say "IN-PERSON" but ALSO be LIVESTREAMED! See a searchable list here.
If you'd like to watch a pre-recorded video lecture, go here.
Sites containing inspirational study guides, talks, articles, and more
(not necessarily Board of Lectureship events)
CSMonitor (also free newsletter sign up)
Delray Beach Christian Science Society - Thurs 2p ET Bible Lesson reading zoom ID 85257121110 password 839 500
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Chattanooga - Tues 2p ET Tuesdays Together reading zoom ID 423 266 0646 password 423
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Washington D.C. - Thurs 7p ET Bible Study zoom ID 910 169 1016 password 910 169 1016
Community Involvement
Sunday morning at 10:30 and Wednesday evening at 7. Childcare provided at all services.
Sunday School
offered to community members under age 20 every Sunday at 10:30a
Reading Room
open to the community Mon-Thur 11a-3p (also find us on Instagram and Facebook)
Christian Science Lecture
offered to community annually. Tuesday, October 1, 2024 is our next scheduled talk. See above for more info and other lectures.
Family Promise
affiliated with Family Promise as a support church.
CLICK HERE for pdf listing suggested donations
Girl Scouts
Girl Scout Leadership Experience Partner with the Girl Scouts of the Southern Appalachians. Badge program is in the works.