Pillows on roped off pews for access as desired
First Church of Christ, Scientist
& Christian Science Reading Room
In-person / Online / phone-in Services
Sunday 10:30a + Wednesday 7p + Thanksgiving Day 10a
Park(ing) Day
Park(ing) Day is an international event held on the third Friday in September in which parking spaces are reclaimed as places for people. The mission of Park(ing) day is to highlight the space we devote to cars and our need for more people space in our city. It is also seen as a way to generate discussion about how public infrastructure is allocated.
Our Reading Room participates in Park(ing) Day by turning a parking space into a parklet with a temporary Reading Room and tropical spiritual oasis.
Christian Science Reading Room Parklets through the years
The September 18, 2020 Park(ing) Day is going VIRTUAL! For the third year, Chattanooga Design Studio is facilitating Park(ing) Day. This is First Church of Christ, Scientist's fifth year to participate.
We'll be sharing on this space as well as through the official Facebook page.
Nancy Harrison, C.S. and Dyan Wingard, C.S.
discuss the Christian Science Pastor, the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy.
videography by Wilnerys Wingard
Nancy Harrison, C.S. and Dyan Wingard, C.S.
discuss The Christian Science Monitor.
videography by Wilnerys Wingard
2020/2021 Community Quilt
At Park(ing) Day 2019 you contributed your words of encouragement on quilt squares. Pictured above are some of those squares, as well as the 2019 quilt.
A new quilt will be made from these squaresaand donated at our next in-person Park(ing) Day.
(Also pictured is our 2019 Community Quilt, which was donated to a client of the Partnership for Families, Children and Adults)
The Christian Science Reading Room parklet plays the Daily Lift in the background during in-person Park(ing) Days.
These links expire and will then take you to the main Daily Lift page.
A spiritual reopening
Reagan Kabuluku, a Christian Science nurse, from Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, USA, answers the question,
"What are we really reopening here?"
The ceaseless cycle of Love
Eric D Nelson, CSB, from Petaluma, California, USA,
shares his healing of flu and whether it holds a key to
overcoming the current pandemic
Finding our livelihood in God
Amy Lang, from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA,
talks about she prayed when she lost her job
Out of turmoil - into a place of peace
Pamela Cook, CS, from New York, New York, USA,
discusses "waiting it out" vs "active mental action"
"Small rain" prayer
Linda Kohler, a Christian Science nurse, from San Leandro, California, USA,
tells us about her steady, sustained,
small-but-powerful, prayer in time of pandemic
The spiritual colors of thought
Allison Hughes, CS, from Liverpool, UK,
shares a lesson from art class about not judging by appearance
Solutions to insurmountable problems
Michelle Nanouche, CSB, from Paris, France,
talks about focusing on God solves every problem
God's got this
Susan Tish, CS, from Northville, Michigan, USA,
shares how she found peace during a time of great uncertainty
The full armor of Love
Diane Allison, from Brooklyn, New York, USA,
talks about value in loving our enemies as Jesus taught
Park(ing) Day
Park(ing) Day