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Pillows on roped off pews for access as desired
First Church of Christ, Scientist
& Christian Science Reading Room
In-person / Online / phone-in Services
Sunday 10:30a + Wednesday 7p + Thanksgiving Day 10a

We read together every Tuesday at 1:30p ET
Join us for one half-hour!
Current read: Mary Baker Eddy The Years of Authority by Robert Peel
Zoom app or | Meeting ID 423 266 0646 | Passcode 423
Or phone: 386-347-5053 - Meeting ID 423 266 0646 # | no participant ID, just enter # again | Password 423 (#)
What IS a
Christian Science Reading Room?
Is NOT about converting or preaching
Is NOT about psychics, mysticism, or cults
Is NOT about debating or arguing
Is NOT a private membership club
Is NOT affiliated with Scientology (see "Scientology or Christian Science?" by Shirley Paulsen)
What IS a
Christian Science Reading Room?
It IS a public place to read & purchase Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy (the Christian Science textbook)
It IS a library for self-directed Bible study, including computer-based research
It IS a store to purchase Bibles, Bible reference books, children's Bible stories & more
It IS a place to bring your lunch, read, study & pray independently
It IS the only spot in Chattanooga to buy a seven-time Pulitzer prize winning global weekly news magazine (

First Church of Christ, Scientist
612 McCallie Ave.

Christian Science Reading Room
open M-Th 11a-3p






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