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Pillows on roped off pews for access as desired
First Church of Christ, Scientist
& Christian Science Reading Room
In-person / Online / phone-in Services
Sunday 10:30a + Wednesday 7p + Thanksgiving Day 10a

Welcome to First Church of Christ, Scientist
Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA

Emra Farkas, a Christian Science practitioner and teacher from Santa Fe, New Mexico,
will be here in-person to talk
about this new kind of thinking in her lecture,
“Finding Where God is Seen and Felt –
What’s church got to do with it?”
in our church auditorium on
Thursday, April 4 at 7 pm.
Her in-person talk will also be available by Zoom, audio only.
You can hear the lecture live on Zoom
by logging on the same way you would
for a church service.
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